
If you’re wondering what kind of worker support, resources, and tools businesses need to address the big changes that have occurred over the last 3 years look no further than findings from Deputy’s Big Shift: U.S. Retail Report 2023. Download today to discover essential insights for retail.

Join us as we discuss how brands need to rethink their retail strategy and focus on how digital can help them build lasting customer relations. In this webinar featuring Quantum Metric and Google Cloud, we’ll dive into three strategies to maximize customer lifetime value, including bringing obsession to micro-experiences.

In this webinar, you’ll learn about traffic analytics solutions, and we’ll provide guidance about the necessary geospatial data requirements that will support the development of business intelligence dashboards for brand and marketing managers

Want to build a customer experience strategy that helps your company shine in the modern digital space? In a world where omnichannel capability is the bare minimum, the best way to do this is simple: Add authentic conversation at every step of the buying journey. Our guest speaker, Thomas Husson, VP & Principal Analyst at Forrester, shares why this is the key CX differentiator in our October 20 webinar about effective conversational strategies. Register now!

Join us with Quantum Metric and Google Cloud as they review U.S. retail data to uncover four key trends retailers must prepare for as we enter back-to-school and off-to-college season. You will learn how reaching shoppers across age ranges, economic background and geographical location tends to highlight some of the biggest trends in retail for the year.

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