
Creating Virtual Concierges Through Conversational AI

Through a well-designed and continually improved conversational AI, retail bots can be the virtual concierge service that customers trust to solve their problems quickly and efficiently. In this handbook, you’ll learn how to put tried and tested conversation design principles into practice when implementing voice and chatbots. Download this valuable resource today and learn about the do’s and don’ts, best practices, how to handle errors, and much more.

The Future of Customer Loyalty

Explore the changing dynamics of consumer loyalty and their implications on the roles of customer service, the contact center, and agents in this free research report. Traditionally, consumers have been loyal only to a few companies, forming stable relationships with them. However, the pandemic upended this stability by introducing new considerations for consumers when engaging with companies. Discover both the opportunities and risks these changes have created for companies.

A Retailer’s Guide to Conversational Messaging

Our increasingly digital, always-on world is transforming the way retailers connect with shoppers on a daily basis. Leading the charge are a wide range of rich messaging channels including WhatsApp, Apple Messages for Business, Instagram, RCS, and Google’s Business Messages among others. These emerging channels have become the cornerstone for rich digital interactions that inspire and maintain conversations with customers. In this guide, learn about these different channels, understand their capabilities, and why they are essential to delivering two-way interactions that will win and retain customers.

Top 50 Tips of 2022

Total Retail’s annual collection of the 50 best tips of the year covers every facet of running a successful retail business, from customer experience to marketing to supply chain to technology, among other functionalities. Each tip offers valuable insight that readers can implement into their businesses immediately. While not all 50 tips may be applicable to your business, there's certainly enough here for everyone to get started. Download today to enjoy these valuable insights!

Maximizing Revenue Potential in Today’s Multifaceted Retail Landscape

This NAPCO Research report, sponsored by Botify, highlights the SEO strategies utilized by a variety of retailers, the current indexing status of their websites, and the key challenges they're facing in optimizing their sites for search engines. The respondents represent several vertical and geographical markets, and the research findings demonstrate key opportunities for retailers to capitalize on revenue generation via organic search.

Want to Unlock Additional B2B Sales?

With the B2B market predicted to hit $18.57 trillion in revenue by 2026, investing in a B2B channel is the largest opportunity for retailers to drive revenue and get ahead of the competition. Retailers seeking to capitalize on the B2B opportunity must cater to business buyers' purchasing needs. Download TreviPay's new whitepaper to learn how to recognize B2B buyers, address their pain points and help them buy more, more often, with a B2B payments strategy.

HelloFresh Uses to Stand Out

In this case study, learn how HelloFresh uses content analytics to create a content strategy that gets customers excited well before they hit the preheat button.

Smart, Sharp Tools for Quality Customer Data

Start 2023 armed with smart, sharp data quality tools that will keep customers coming back all year! Download Melissa’s new Solutions Catalog and discover tools that will help reduce cart abandonment, combat fraud, and stay in contact with your customers when they move or change contact information. Plus, check out our free trials and POCs!

2022 Top 100 Omnichannel Retailers

Total Retail's highly anticipated sixth annual Top 100 Omnichannel Retailers report is here! The value of having an adaptable, successful omnichannel strategy in the midst of supply chain disruption, labor shortages, rising inflation, and more challenges has never been more critical for retailers. This report reveals the ranking of 100 retailers based on their omnichannel capabilities across eight key criteria, including supply chain, inventory, pricing, among others. Download this resource to measure your company's omnichannel strategy against its competition.

ROI of Conversations in the Customer Journey

Want to build a customer experience strategy that helps your company shine in the modern digital space? In a world where omnichannel capability is the bare minimum, the best way to do this is simple: Add authentic conversation at every step of the buying journey. Our guest speaker, Thomas Husson, VP & Principal Analyst at Forrester, shares why this is the key CX differentiator in our October 20 webinar about effective conversational strategies. Register now!

Converting Screen Shoppers Into Buyers

The past two years-plus have resulted in significant shifts in consumer behavior. As a result of consumers’ increasing penchant for shopping online, the e-commerce landscape has become hypercompetitive. Retailers are investing significant resources in driving traffic to their websites through a combination of channels, yet far too often that traffic isn’t converting once on a store’s site. The opportunity is there for retailers to capitalize on increased online traffic and grow their e-commerce revenues. Download this informative report to take the next step in converting a higher percentage of online browsers into buyers who come back to shop again.

Better Data is Better Business

Bad data is costly. It leads to problems such as late or undeliverable shipments, fraud, and unhappy customers. Melissa’s data quality tools ensure superior data for a smooth customer experience. We offer on-premise, web service, secure FTP processing and software as a service (SaaS) delivery options, so you can choose the best way to meet your business needs. Join our interactive journey to better data and learn how our solutions can boost your bottom line.

The Social Commerce Opportunity

Purchasing products directly from social media is on the rise but so are expectations for a smooth shopping experience. When these expectations aren’t met, customers are likely to abandon their cart and/or the brand entirely. This report shows how, when executed correctly, social commerce can deliver a higher level of convenience and provide a frictionless shopping experience every time. Download now and learn how to expand your storefront to any digital surface.

46.5% of Retailers Agree—Insights Impact their ROI

Did you know, only 33.7% of retailers use digital channels to personalize communication? There exists a gap between what retailers think they are doing right from a customer engagement perspective versus what their customers actually want and need. To understand the customer engagement landscape in retail, we surveyed 2,000 marketers in North America. Download the latest industry report and find out what campaign, journey, and customer insights retailers measure and how deeper insights impact their ROI.